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hanna phosphat checker

Forum for snak om lys, skummere, pumper etc.
Indlæg: 95
Tilmeldt: tors 14. okt 2010 13:33
Postnummer: 7000 Fredericia
Saltvand siden?: 2004

Re: hanna phosphat checker

Indlæg af Jokke »

Citat hanna instruments:
Here is the latest information we have as of right now:

We just got some new checkers in for testing: Phosphorus HR, Phosphate HR, Chromium VI HR, Nickel HR, Color of Water, Fluoride LR, Fluoride HR, and Silica HR.

These are prototypes and we don’t have a release date yet. I also do not know at this time whether any of them will be verified for use in salt water; these are really more for municipal and industrial water testing.

They’re finishing the chemistry on the marine Calcium, they’ve started magnesium, and then they’ll move on to marine nitrate. I expect them all this year, but no release dates yet as we haven’t even gotten in prototypes.

Thank you for your support and interest!
Dværg kejser
Dværg kejser
Indlæg: 137
Tilmeldt: tirs 26. jan 2010 12:45
Postnummer: Ikke angivet
Saltvand siden?: 2008

Re: hanna phosphat checker

Indlæg af Maack »

Det må være mig som har læst forkert mellem nitrit og nitrat, var ellers overbevist men .... jeg beklager at have sat en masse glæde igang hos flere.



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