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Rev haj
Indlæg: 2066
Tilmeldt: man 27. aug 2007 21:47
Postnummer: 6000 Kolding
Saltvand siden?: 1988
Geografisk sted: Kolding

Hvor dum må man være?

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Sakset fra CNN

FDA commissioner warns against self-medicating with chloroquine used in fish tanks

From CNN Health’s Arman Azad

The commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Stephen Hahn, is warning against self-medicating with any form of chloroquine phosphate unless prescribed by a doctor.

While the anti-malaria drug chloroquine has been touted by President Trump as a potential treatment for coronavirus, an Arizona man died this week after taking a form of the substance used in aquariums.

“The chloroquine phosphate used for treating aquarium fish is not the same as the FDA-approved chloroquine being studied as a possible treatment for #COVID19,” Hahn said in a series of tweets Wednesday. “We want to warn consumers that this product [is] sold to treat parasites in aquarium fish and may have adverse effects, including serious illness or death, when taken by people.”

Hahn said that there is currently “no FDA-approved treatment” for Covid-19, and he said that chloroquine should only be taken if prescribed by a health care provider and obtained from legitimate sources.

“Some people and companies are trying to profit from the pandemic by selling unproven/illegally marketed products claiming to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent #COVID19,” Hahn said, adding that “these have NOT been evaluated by FDA for safety and effectiveness & might be dangerous to you and your family.”

There is limited evidence, partly from studies on human cells, that chloroquine – or its closely-related analogue, hydroxychloroquine – could have antiviral effects.

Doctors in China, France, the US and other countries have used the drug experimentally in Covid-19 patients, but there is not yet sufficient clinical evidence that it's effective in humans.
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Site Admin
Indlæg: 4023
Tilmeldt: fre 28. maj 2004 20:19
Postnummer: 4600 Køge
Saltvand siden?: 1993

Re: Hvor dum må man være?

Indlæg af Engelquist »

Faktisk har den klogeste mand i USA, Trump- anbefalet at amerikanerne indtager det... på baggrund af et par fp opslag han havde læst!
Forstår sig godt de amerikanske sundhedsmyndigheder har deres hyr med den præsident!
Bo Engelquist Christiansen
”Modvind er en god ting – når man skal den anden vej”.– Storm P.

Min vandpyt: https://www.saltvandsforum.dk/viewtopic ... 93&t=95414
Rev haj
Rev haj
Indlæg: 35612
Tilmeldt: tirs 1. jun 2004 22:51
Postnummer: 3650 Ølstykke
Saltvand siden?: 1976
Geografisk sted: 3650 Ølstykke

Re: Hvor dum må man være?

Indlæg af Carsten »

Der er godt nok mange Red Necks ovre i "guds eget land"
Og den største er desværre ham der sidder i Washington
Jeg støtter Saltvandsforum.dk
Jeg støtter Saltvandsforum.dk
Indlæg: 938
Tilmeldt: man 28. jan 2008 10:11
Postnummer: 6800 Varde
Saltvand siden?: 2009
Geografisk sted: Varde

Re: Hvor dum må man være?

Indlæg af Holst »

Hvis man lytter til en mand på den måde som er så kontroversiel som han er, og tror blindt på det han siger uden nogen form for kritik, så har man heller ikke meget tankevirksomhed selv.. Alligevel skræmmende!
Tænk hvis alle danske søer var af øl, tænk hvis alle danske søer var af øl. Så vil jeg ligge nede på bunden og få bajer smag i munden, tænk hvis alle danske søer var af øl.

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